September 30, 2023

Congresswoman Foushee’s Statement on the Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC (September 30, 2023) — Today, Congresswoman Valerie Foushee (NC-04), released the following statement after voting to pass the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act. This bill provides a stopgap measure to fund the government through November 17, 2023, averting a federal government shutdown.

“Despite House Republican’s infighting and desire to further their far-right ideological agenda, cooler heads prevailed today to keep our government funded for the next 45 days while providing disaster relief funding that is so urgently needed,” said Congresswoman Foushee (NC-04). “While I am relieved that we passed a temporary measure to avoid a reckless government shutdown, a Continuing Resolution is far from a permanent solution. It’s imperative for Congress to promptly pass the remaining appropriations bills to fully serve the needs of our government and the American people.”