Reps. Foushee, Jackson, Chu, Barragán, Pressley, Sánchez, Kim Introduce the Expanding Child Care Access Act of 2024

Apr 15, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC (April 15, 2024) — Today, Representatives Valerie Foushee (NC-04), Jeff Jackson (NC-14), Judy Chu (CA-32), Nanette Barragán (CA-44), Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Linda T. Sánchez (CA-39), and Andy Kim (NJ-03) introduced the Expanding Child Care Access Act of 2024 to address the child care shortage nationwide.

As pandemic funding runs out, child care centers nationwide are closing or raising prices. In North Carolina, nearly 30% of childcare programs expect to close this summer as funding ends. When this happens working parents are forced to drive further or pay more for child care.

Family child care, or home-based child care, operates in a provider’s home. They are usually smaller and closer to children’s homes or parents’ places of work. Family child care can serve families facing obstacles in accessing child care, including families who work outside of traditional hours, reside in rural areas, have young children, or have limited English proficiency.

The Expanding Child Care Access Act of 2024 would provide a refundable tax credit of up to $5,000 to new family child care providers once they receive a state family child care license. This tax credit can be used to reimburse these new providers for expenses like playgrounds, cribs, training, supplies, and more. This credit will encourage potential providers to open up new family child care centers in their neighborhoods while also expanding the overall supply of child care and increasing choice and flexibility for parents.

“Due to rising costs, child care facilities are forced to consolidate or close, leaving people across the country with limited or no access to the affordable, quality child care they need,” said Congresswoman Valerie Foushee (NC-04). “As a parent, I understand the importance of investing in child care and supporting early learning programs that create a path of success for our children and hardworking families. That’s why I’m proud to introduce the Expanding Child Care Access Act of 2024, which will lower the barrier to child care, lessen financial burdens for families, and ensure the long-term success for those seeking to establish child care centers within their communities.”

“We are headed towards a child care cliff. We need to change course by investing in child care providers. This will help hardworking families by increasing access and bringing down one of the biggest costs to families with young children,” said Congressman Jeff Jackson (NC-14). “I’m proud to introduce this bill to expand child care access across the country alongside such a strong group of colleagues.”
“The high cost of child care and shortage of child care providers in America are ongoing crises, straining family budgets and pushing millions of Americans out of the workforce who are majority women and disproportionately women of color. In California, the shortage of child care is so acute for working families that two out of five children are without stable child care,” said Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-32). “We need a host of solutions to address this child care crisis, including encouraging the creation of in-home daycare facilities run out of providers’ homes. That’s why I’m helping lead the introduction of the Expanding Child Care Access Act of 2024 that would create a new refundable tax credit for up-front costs for these small businesses, which are currently majority women-owned, and expand the availability of quality, affordable child care options for families everywhere.”

“Over 50 percent of people in the United States live in a child care desert, and that number is even higher for Latino and low-income communities. This issue is not just about supporting our children—it’s about recognizing the invaluable role that child care providers play in our communities. That is why I am proud to co-lead the Expanding Child Care Access Act of 2024,” said Congresswoman Nanette Barragán (CA-44). “By investing in, and enhancing access to, family child care, we’re not only empowering parents with more options for affordable and high-quality care but also bolstering the economic stability of countless families. It’s a win-win for our children, our workforce, and our nation’s future.”

“Family childcare centers provide high-quality, culturally congruent, and flexible childcare services, and they are essential to supporting our families and communities,” said Congresswoman Pressley (MA-07). “With childcare costs continuing to rise and large childcare centers closing nationwide, our bill would help support our childcare providers and give parents more options for affordable, accessible childcare. I’m grateful to Congressman Jackson and our colleagues for their partnership.”

“Our tax code should be used to invest in working- and middle-class families. That’s exactly what our bill does,” said Congresswoman Linda T. Sánchez (CA-39). “It makes it just a little bit easier for family child care centers to safely open, ensuring more families have access to affordable, quality child care close to where they live and work.”

“Too many families are being burdened by a major shortage of high quality, affordable childcare options. Across the country, childcare centers are either closing or overcrowded, and we need to fix this very real problem,” said Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03). “With this bill, we can take some of the burden off of these centers, allowing them to reimburse expenses for necessities like cribs, training, and supplies. With more centers able to keep their doors open, families can have the flexibility and more affordable choices they need to find and secure childcare that’s right for their family.”

“High-quality child care and early education is critical – it supports children’s development and learning, allows parents to work and keeps businesses running,” said NC Health and Human Services Secretary Kody H. Kinsley. “Child care is in crisis and we must act now to increase funding and develop innovative approaches to support an industry that has long been underfunded. This bill will help new providers get started and create more options for care for children and families.”

The family child care network of providers is an essential part of our nation’s early child care system. However, becoming a family child care provider can be a significant undertaking given the upfront investment needed to make your home ready to welcome children.

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